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ThaMango City


Thank you for considering purchasing the world!

100% of Money from Purchases will go to Shelter, a Non-Profit organisation built around helping those who are fighting housing issues.

I've included a few bonus options in-case you wish to donate more! The bonus perks really aren't worth the increase in price, but I wanted to give the option in-case anybody really wants to help contribute!

You can view information about perks on the Product Page of each option.

Purchase Options

- Downloads are ONLY for Java Minecraft
- The download link will expire a month after purchase, ensure you save the file to your PC!
- The City will only be purchasable via this site for 2 months. This does not mean it's Exclusively available now though, as it may potentially be available via the Minecraft Marketplace or via my Patreon in the future.
- The City does NOT include interior in most buildings
- The City is designed for Minecraft 1.20.4 and above

! Please remember that the city was created in 24 hours, do not buy this build if you're looking for a polished build for your server, etc.



Thanks to Coastline Creations for helping to provide builders for the creation of the map!


We have the honor of saying that we’re official Minecraft partners! With Microsoft’s stamp of approval, you can find our work on the Minecraft Marketplace through Playstation, Xbox and Mobile devices.


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